Here to help you to find the best rental for your requirements
Call ! +(64) 21 900 665
+(64) 3 428 2160
Handy things to know:
Viewing of the property is essential, phone or email us to make a time to view a property
Good rental references from either a private owner or a property management company
Two referees that can vouch for you e.g. employer, someone you have lived with in the past
We would like to hear from you on any maintenance issue you notice while living in the property. During office hours please call or email non-urgent requests using the below maintenance request form.
If urgent repairs needed or you would like to discuss please phone.
After Hours Emergency:
All calls to 021 900 665 - Listen to the after hours message carefully and follow instructions. Please also leave a detailed message. A Property Manager will be in contact as soon as possible.
Please Note: That if an after hours emergency call out is made for a non-urgent repair a fee may be charged.